I know we live in a world that keeps us occupied every minute of the day. Nevertheless, you are always in my heart and as much as I am able, I bring word just so you know I care. Just a quick one to encourage anyone of us trusting and believing God for something great to happen.

I cried for many years; hoped in God for what seemed like forever. There were times I said ‘what’s this entire God thing about?’There were also moments I was ready to throw my dreams into the red sea. People who could help just would not for whatever reason, which by the way I respect. People I treasured left or stayed away from me in the fear I may become a burden in their life.Some people wished evil,hoping I would return empty handed.But God!

In the midst of the tears, the pain, the mess and the rain, I discovered what my real purpose here is.On the floor,I got better acquainted with Him,His ways;my heart became more attentive to His voice. God allowed me go through just so I would help someone else but above all share His love and bring glory to His Name. There are hidden gifts in every problem. There is good in pain. Be strong!

Today, in the same land I was mocked, rejected and laughed at; in the same land I was legal yet homeless and helpless, it is in that same land where some of my dreams are no longer dreams. I am walking in their reality and I believe God that there is more to come. I rejoice because it has been GOD through and through.

I rejoice that I stood,not because I am better than my neighbour or I have been too faithful and good but it’s ONLY because (like my younger brother Omid ‘Sekou’ Wisdom would say) I am just a man that happens to kind of know a STRONG GOD!
Whatever you are waiting on God for, HOLD ON. It is not always easy but BE STILL and KNOW HE’S GOD! Not always in our timing but He will come.Even though you cannot see or feel His touch, He always makes a way!

People would promise and disappoint. Some will reject and scorn you .Some others would love to help but would not simply because they are not in a position to,now or even ever. Nevertheless,Trust in God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. God is doing it for me and mine, He will for you. He is no respecter of persons. He will send angels as men to help you. Be on the lookout;do not despise anyone that comes your way regardless of your perception of them. Wait so your strength can be renewed! Be at peace in the midst of the storm, the rain and when thunder strikes. The abundant rain will come. He is a Merciful and Faithful God!

9 responses to “Purpose In The Rain”

  1. Odie Avatar

    This is exactly what I needed today. To God be the Glory

    1. elaine nelson Avatar
      elaine nelson

      This is beautiful. Amen and Amen! God bless you Sis Adja

      1. adjaamy Avatar

        Amen!Thanks sis!Bless you too,beautiful woman of God!

  2. Anthea Avatar

    Wow Aunty really. Some pure and TRUTHFUL talent. I read this days ago but couldn’t comment because I was still in awe of what you wrote. After pondering on it for a while though I feel so blessed. Every word was so true and touched my heart. I don’t think I have read anything so quietly powerful but now I can say I have. Ok now i’m going off on one so I’d better stop before I write a whole chapter but you have truly inspired me. Watch out for a note in the next coupla days cos seriously, im truly motivated. WOW WOW WOW……SERIOUSLY!!!!!

  3. jackline Avatar

    i needed that post… i feel like am going back to the way i was… I know my God is faithful and just and most of all forgiving.. i want to be put right with Him once again and know my purpose here

  4. bintou Avatar

    may God bless u 4 dis wonderful msg

  5. adedeji Avatar


    1. adjaamy Avatar

      Aww,thanks Deji!:-)

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